6 Common Running Mistakes To Avoid

6 Common Running Mistakes To Avoid

Running is a highly beneficial, inexpensive, readily available, and easy way to get in shape. However, there are some key pitfalls to avoid so that you can prevent poor performance or injury. Here are some common running mistakes, and how to address them before they occur.

Not staying hydrated

Dehydration can cause a variety of negative effects on your body while running and can even lead to serious health problems in the long term. Perspiration increases the body's water requirements, and not replenishing it can lead to headache, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, and performance loss. In the worst cases, serious injury can result through heat exhaustion or cramping. Therefore, it's important that runners drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after their runs in order to remain healthy and safe. It's important to keep fluids on hand at all times during a run, such as in a FlipBelt Arc Water Bottle that hooks conveniently into a Classic FlipBelt.

Not breathing from the stomach

Belly breathing, also known as diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing, is a technique that can help improve running performance and prevent fatigue. It involves taking full breaths from the stomach rather than shallow breaths from the chest. This type of breathing helps to increase oxygen delivery throughout the body, allowing for stronger and longer runs. Additionally, it helps runners manage their energy more efficiently by avoiding shortness of breath during exertion. With regular practice, belly breathing can become an important part of any runner's routine to maximize performance while minimizing physical strain.

Using the wrong shoe

Choosing the right type of running shoe is essential for any runner to maintain optimal performance. It's important to select a pair that fits well and provides adequate support for your feet while running. It's also crucial to observe your gait as different individuals have different methods of running, as you'll want to select the right kind of shoe that plays to your natural strengths and weaknesses.

Not dressing properly for the weather

Running in the wrong clothes can have a major impact on your performance, comfort, and even your health. Wearing clothing that is not suitable for the conditions you are running in can lead to excessive sweating or feeling cold and uncomfortable. This will affect your ability to perform at an optimal level, as well as increase the risk of developing health problems such as hypothermia or heatstroke. In order to maximize running performance and stay safe while doing so, it's important to dress appropriately for the weather conditions you are running in. Layering correctly will allow you to adjust how much insulation you need based on temperature changes throughout your run. Additionally, wearing lightweight fabrics that wick away sweat from the skin helps runners keep their bodies cool during warm temperatures and allows them to retain heat in colder climates. Knowing what type of clothing works best for different types of weather is essential for any runner looking to get the most out of their runs.

If you need ideas to fill out your running wardrobe, consider mid-weight leggings for colder weather, crops for year-round or midseason running, or compression shorts or running shorts for summertime. All FlipBelt apparel has the belt built right into the waistband, meaning that your small valuables will be kept secure and hands-free during your run.

Overexerting yourself or ignoring injury

It's important for any runner to not overexert themselves when starting a running program. Overexertion can lead to fatigue, injury, and other health issues that could put a halt to your progress. To prevent this from happening, it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your runs over time. This will allow you to build up your endurance without pushing yourself too hard or risking an injury. Ignoring injuries is one of the worst mistakes a runner can make. Not only does it lead to further injury and pain, but it also increases the risk of long-term damage. Injuries should always be taken seriously and addressed as soon as possible in order for them to heal properly and for you to get back on track with your running program. It's important to listen to your body when running and take note of any signs or symptoms that may indicate an injury, such as sharp pains, swelling or tenderness in any area. If you experience any of these symptoms while running, it's best to take a break from training until they subside or consult with a medical professional if the problem persists.

Not fueling properly

It's not just about water - you need salt to keep your muscles energized during a run. Energy gels and salt tabs are popular among runners looking to fuel up during their runs. These products provide a quick source of energy that can help you maintain your pace, as well as replace electrolytes lost through sweat. Energy gels come in a variety of flavors and consist of carbohydrates, sodium, and other essential nutrients to give you an energy boost when needed. Both products have been proven to be effective at providing the necessary fuel for running performance and can be easily packed away within FlipBelt products for easy access, including the FlipBelt Classic and FlipBelt Zipper.


It is essential for runners to dress appropriately and layer correctly according to the weather conditions, as well as fuel their body with energy gels or salt tabs during runs. Additionally, it's important not to overexert oneself when starting a running program in order to prevent injuries from occurring. With FlipBelt apparel and accessories, you can keep your small valuables secure while keeping comfortable on your run. By following these tips, any runner should be able to maximize performance and stay safe while doing so! If you have any questions about how FlipBelt can make your run more enjoyable or easier, please reach out to us.

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